Thursday, October 8, 2009

Overhaul Part II

Well it's 4:09 here and that means it's time to continue with the overhaul of the site...

I've put a tracker on the bottom of the page so it eventually starts filling up, I'll just pretend it isn't there until it hits the triple digits!

I now have music running in the background!

And the next thing I need to work on is... This header... I'm thinking Black and Silver as always... But some oomph too... Nobody seems to get that my header is somebody staring at me through a crystal ball...

So, since my Photoshop skills HAVE improved, I'm going to develop an even better header and it's gonna be pretty big, I'm thinking maybe neon to match the counter... Then again I love blue, so I might make it blue... We'll see, we'll see...

Happy Renovating...

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